Our Projects & Activities

Our main goal is to spread awarness, cause only awarness through vacational courses and direct support, doing our best to enables individuals to develop a better future especially those having financial problems with vocational courses.

Current Activities


Thanks #Dearborn.org for your coverage of  activities
aided and covered by UNICEF
and in Assistance with NABAA Developmental Action Without Borders


Nursing Courses Since 2009


Various Advocacy such as women support, Driving, Ethics, Behaviours, Cleaning, Waste etc..

إحياء التراث

Reviving Tradition and Sports to Absorb the energy and transfer it into positive vibes

الزراعة و إدارة المزارع

Training courses in the art of agriculture and animal farm management


Teaching Language and Skills for Youth

توزيع الدواء و الفحص الطبي مجاناً

Free Medcine and Medical Examinations for those in need for Free

التوعية الطبية و الإسعافات الأولية

First Aid Awarness Courses for Free

دعم حقوق العمال الأجانب

Foreign workers lives under a wide stress and abusing, therefore we make regular events and initiatives to make a strong supportive network

وقف العنف ضد المرأة

In Collaboration with USPEAK we launched an initiative with our students on protecting women from violence

إنفجار مرفأ بيروت

Like all active associations in Lebanon, we were supporting those who had difficulties after the port of beirut’s explosion to provide with shelter and food support.

محاربة وباء الكورونا

Our Nursing students joined the medical forces in Lebanon to fight COVID-19. 

and many of our nursing students left Lebanon to help to fight COVID-19 in other countries and for life’s difficulties.

دورات عبر الانترنت

Within the Lockdown period because of COVID-19 we had to continue supporting our community and students. 

therefore we continued providing support for those who has computers, by providing online courses.

Soap Making

The end of the soap and mortar making course that took place at the Cultural Movement Center in Bint Jbeil and the distribution of equipment to the students.. In the pictures appears the President of the Wajeb Al-Bishr Association, Mr. Hussein Beydoun, the Director of the Sunni Cultural Movement, Mr. Hassan Jouni, and officials from AVSI Organization.

Inventing alternative methods

Hard economical situation in Lebanon has lead us to make workshops on showing the public an alternative methods of supporting their needs and alternative working methods.

Psychological aid

Supporting Publics Psychological order by having a doctor at our center, two days a week to examine patients for free.

الدعوة إلى التبرع

We open the door to financial and in-kind donations for all friends in Lebanon and abroad, institutions, and interested humanitarian and professional organizations, to support our programs that comply with all legal conditions and include all procedures related to management, accountability, accountability, and linking the donor to the path of his donation. to our current and future planned projects below :

Current & Futureالمشاريع

Cooperative Projects with other Lebanese Associations and Vocational Centers

implemented a series of educational activities in the south, Beirut, Koura and Beirut with international organizations.

Art of Agriculture and Farms Management

Implementation of training courses in the art of agriculture and management of animal farms, starting from the Bint Jbeil district and covering all Lebanese regions

Technical, Health, Nutritional Guidance For Beef and Poultry Breeders

technical, health and nutritional Guidance and support for beef and poultry breeders

Supporting Different Vocational Training Courses

Complete vocational training courses required by the labor market

Mobile Medical Team

Established a mobile medical team which provide free medical examinations

Equipping a dispensary

Equipping a dispensary

Helping the Sick who needs emergency treatment

Helping the sick, the poor, and emergency treatment

Food Support for Poor

Distribution of laying hens to the poor in the countryside and training them on care methods

Fire Fighting Awarness

Training of trainers on fighting fires, protecting forests and forming permanent safety nets

Training of trainers on managing associations and institutions

Training of trainers on managing associations and institutions, how to administer, accountability, organization and accountability


Establishing agricultural nurseries
Training on growing green fodder and organic fertilizers

Medicals Examinations

Providing all examinations, including the PCR, in the family care clinics with which we are intertwined: Beirut (Al-Basta), Mount Lebanon Suburb (Al-Laylaki) and in the South (Aba).