Humans Duty Association


Towards Building a Free Community and a Civil State


Human’s Duty Organization is an NGO, founded in 27/09/2011 under the Lebanese Interior Ministry notification number 137. and the timeline passed within many associations until reaching the Human’s Duty Association which were established in 2011.

The Humans Duty Organization is an NGO and non-profit organization that was originally an extension of the Lebanese Sports Club, which was founded in Bint Jbeil in 2004. In 2006, with the help of the Development Agency, the organization opened a center for teaching computer and English language skills. In the following years, with the support of the OTI organization and USAID, the organization implemented a project that focused on Youth, environmental, health, social and sports awareness, benefiting nearly a hundred young men and women who were able to break free from dependency and sectarian intolerance. This group of individuals now forms an independent and conscious community in the Bint Jbeil region. With the development of their goals, the organization established the Lebanese Vocational School of Life, followed by the Human’s Duty Association in 2011.

Our Goal

Creating Job Opportunities

Creating job opportunities through establishing cooperatives, implementing other projects, offering vocational educational programs, and providing professional training can all be effective ways to help individuals improve their job prospects and become active members of society. Cooperatives, in particular, can provide individuals with the opportunity to work together and support each other in achieving their goals, while also promoting entrepreneurship and community-based economic development. By establishing cooperatives and implementing other initiatives that focus on providing training and education, organizations can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce and improve their quality of life.

Reaching Real Results

Our organization is focused on improving the lives of a specific group of people, advancing a particular cause, or implementing solutions to a specific problem. We always have a clear mission and set of goals, and we use a variety of strategies and tactics to achieve these objectives. Some examples of the real results we strive for include improving access to education, providing clean water to communities, and reducing poverty and inequality. We also prioritize spreading awareness about these issues and the work we do to address them. Our ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of the people we serve and to work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

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Vocational Education Programs

Our organization focuses on providing skills and knowledge in a specific trade or profession to help individuals improve their job prospects and livelihoods. We offer a range of courses, including hands-on training, classroom instruction, and online learning opportunities, and we aim to serve people of all ages and backgrounds. Our programs are designed to help individuals learn a new trade or enhance their existing skills, and our goal is to provide them with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen field and improve their quality of life. Overall, our focus is on helping people to achieve their professional and personal goals through education and training.

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Professional Trainings

Training enables individuals to work and become active members of society. This type of support can empower individuals and promote social inclusion. By providing people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce, training programs can help them to improve their own lives and contribute to their communities.

Health & Environment

The Health and Environment focus area aims to help patients and people with disabilities through the establishment of clinics and nursing homes, providing custodial and vocational training, and promoting health education. This includes efforts to combat addiction and diseases in a preventive and curative way. The organization is also interested in environmental programs and activities that contribute to the reduction of global warming, such as promoting eco-tourism and raising environmental awareness in the community. Overall, the goal is to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities, as well as to protect and preserve the natural environment.

Heritage and Ruins

The Heritage and Ruins focus area of the organization focuses on the maintenance, protection, and showcase of monuments, with the goal of turning them into tourist and national landmarks. This includes efforts to raise awareness and implement specialized programs that engage civil society and interested institutions. The overall aim is to preserve and promote cultural heritage, while also promoting tourism and economic development.

Social interaction

Social interaction

The Social Interaction focus area of the organization is concerned with programs that promote social interaction and integration within the community. This includes efforts to involve youth and families in activities, training programs, educational exchange visits, and festivals that celebrate traditional and popular culture. The organization also advocates for justice, equality, citizenship, and public freedoms, and works to educate people about their rights and responsibilities. Through these and other initiatives, the organization aims to support laws and regulations that promote public order and strengthen national, social, and human interaction between citizens. Overall, the goal is to create a more cohesive and harmonious community by fostering social interaction and understanding.

Educational and Cultural

Educational and Cultural

The Educational and Cultural focus area of the organization works to fight illiteracy and ignorance through the establishment of schools, nurseries, kindergartens, and homes for the elderly. The organization also aims to promote the role of women and support their participation in governance and decision-making, as well as to protect children, the elderly, and workers in the community. To spread cultural, technical, and general awareness, the organization uses various methods such as lectures, seminars, exhibitions, and training and educational, cultural, and artistic activities. Overall, the goal is to improve education and cultural understanding within the community, with a focus on promoting the participation and well-being of all members.



The Relief focus area of the organization works to provide material, moral, food, and other forms of aid to those in need, with the goal of addressing social problems and improving the well-being of citizens. This may include efforts to provide emergency assistance in times of crisis, as well as ongoing support for those facing challenges such as poverty, illness, or other forms of hardship. The organization may work with other organizations and institutions to coordinate relief efforts and ensure that aid is provided effectively and efficiently. Overall, the goal is to help individuals and communities overcome challenges and improve their quality of life.


We open the door to financial and in-kind donations for all friends in Lebanon and abroad ( institutions, and interested humanitarian and professional organizations) to support our programs that comply with all legal conditions and include all procedures related to management, accountability, and linking the donor to the path of his donation. to our current and future planned projects below :

Projects Current &Future

Cooperative Projects with other Lebanese Associations and Vocational Centers

implemented a series of educational activities in the south, Beirut, Koura and Beirut with international organizations.

Art of Agriculture and Farms Management

Implementation of training courses in the art of agriculture and management of animal farms, starting from the Bint Jbeil district and covering all Lebanese regions

Technical, Health, Nutritional Guidance For Beef and Poultry Breeders

technical, health and nutritional Guidance and support for beef and poultry breeders

Supporting Different Vocational Training Courses

Complete vocational training courses required by the labor market

Mobile Medical Team

Established a mobile medical team which provide free medical examinations

Equipping a dispensary

Equipping a dispensary

Helping the Sick who needs emergency treatment

Helping the sick, the poor, and emergency treatment

Food Support for Poor

Distribution of laying hens to the poor in the countryside and training them on care methods

Fire Fighting Awarness

Training of trainers on fighting fires, protecting forests and forming permanent safety nets

Training of trainers on managing associations and institutions

Training of trainers on managing associations and institutions, how to administer, accountability, organization and accountability


Establishing agricultural nurseries
Training on growing green fodder and organic fertilizers

Medicals Examinations

Providing all examinations, including the PCR, in the family care clinics with which we are intertwined: Beirut (Al-Basta), Mount Lebanon Suburb (Al-Laylaki) and in the South (Aba).

Our Geographical Map

At our organization, we have successfully reached over 5,000 individuals across various cities and villages in Lebanon, including those who have dropped out of school and those in need of educational and social support. Our beneficiaries consist of both Lebanese and Syrian refugees. Through collaboration with local charities, vocational centers, organizations, and municipalities, we have been able to implement our educational programs and projects effectively. We are grateful for the support and infrastructure provided by our partners in making a positive impact in the communities we serve.

Our Projects

Our main goal is to spread awarness, cause only awarness through vacational courses and direct support, doing our best to enables individuals to develop a better future especially those having financial problems with vocational courses.


Nursing Courses Since 2009


Various Advocacy such as women support, Driving, Ethics, Behaviours, Cleaning, Waste etc..

Reviving Traditions

Reviving Tradition and Sports to Absorb the energy and transfer it into positive vibes

Agriculture and Farm Management

Training courses in the art of agriculture and animal farm management


Teaching Language and Skills for Youth

Free Medicine

Free Medcine and Medical Examinations for those in need for Free

Medical First Aid Awarness

First Aid Awarness Courses for Free

Supporting Foreign Workers

Foreign workers lives under a wide stress and abusing, therefore we make regular events and initiatives to make a strong supportive network

Stop Violence Against Women

In Collaboration with USPEAK we launched an initiative with our students on protecting women from violence

Beirut Port Explosion

Like all active associations in Lebanon, we were supporting those who had difficulties after the port of beirut’s explosion to provide with shelter and food support.


Our Nursing students joined the medical forces in Lebanon to fight COVID-19. 

and many of our nursing students left Lebanon to help to fight COVID-19 in other countries and for life’s difficulties.

Online Courses

Within the Lockdown period because of COVID-19 we had to continue supporting our community and students. 

therefore we continued providing support for those who has computers, by providing online courses.

Contact US

Bint Jbeil - Saf El Hawa

Bint Jbeil – Saf El Hawa – Bint jbeil – Lebanon

Beirut – Zkak El Blat – Beside Government Palace – Bayumi Bldg. – 2nd Floor